Wednesday, July 25, 2012


While visiting The Boob in Atlanta, I decided to make a dish I had never made before. I went to Whole Foods and bought a pound of scallops to make bacon-wrapped scallops for the first time.

While waiting for the man to pack up my selection, I noticed containers of sauces to the right of the seafood counter. One of the sauces looked vaguely familiar in color and reminded me of a sauce that had been served with crab cakes I had ordered from the wonderful restaurant The Pecan in the College Park area of Atlanta.

It turned out to be the perfect accompaniment to the bacon-wrapped scallops, and it was just as delicious when dabbed on sauteed asparagus. I made some cheesy rice to go along with the dish and it turned out to be possibly one of my favorite dinners I've ever made.